Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Business School/Education Programs

Strategic Implications of Specialized Business School Accreditation:
End of the Line for Some Business Education Programs?

ABSTRACT. In recent years, the competitive environment for business education has been rapidly changing. Although 1st-tier schools and colleges of business generally resolved accreditation issues long ago, other institutions are increasingly considering specialized accreditation as a strategic tool in the competition for students and institutional prestige. In this article, the authors examine the roots of this trend and propose possible implications in terms of accreditation, faculty, and funding for regional state universities and smaller institutions maintaining affiliation with churches or other religious organizations. The authors suggest several key considerations for decision makers, including the possibility that some institutions will be unable to continue to offer studies in business education.

Keywords: Accreditation, Business Education, Competition




ABSTRACT. Historically, there has been theological evaluation of Christian religious education curricula, but there is a lack of systematic pedagogical evaluation of Christian religious education material. Consumer and market demand for material has resulted in very little serious examining of the material being produced. Consequently, Christian religious education material used in the church context often remains virtually unchallenged. Using current research and exiting evaluation documents, this exploration raises possible parameter for a method through which to examine and evaluate curriculum, recognizing the need for an approach that critically examine the approach to teaching and learning that undergird existing Christian religious education materials.
 Key Words: Curriculum Evaluation, Curriculum Development, Pedagogy, Multicultural

Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

PAK dan Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup


I. Pendahuluan
            Suatu kenyataan ekologis yang tidak dapat dihindari di awal permulaan abad 21 ini adalah terancamnya planet Bumi tempat berdiam seluruh komunitas makhluk hidup. Ekosistem dalam dunia ini pada tempat-tempat tertentu sudah rusak dan terancam punah. Pencemaran lingkungan dalam berbagai aspek baik itu pencemaran udara (Air Pollution), pencemaran air (Water Pollution), maupun pencemaran tanah/daratan (Soil Pollution) yang berkorelasi dengan problematika seperti penciutan hutan tropis,[1] penipisan lapisan ozon[2]  dan hujan asam,[3] makin marak dengan disertai teknologi mekanisme dan proses industrialisasi yang memakai topeng pembangunan yang membawa masyarakat ke dalam pola-pola hidup mewah dan konsumtif.[4] Akumulasi dari krisis-krisis ini berakibat luas dan menimbulkan transformasi keseluruh sistem kehidupan. Kecenderungan manusia untuk merubah bumi (alam), khususnya dengan perkembangan teknologi dan maraknya pembangunan dimaksud, telah membawa perubahan pada bumi ini, baik sistem maupun stuktur ekologisnya secara cepat dan fundamental. Penerobosan teknologi dan pembangunan membuka peluang besar bagi manusia untuk mengeksplorasi dan mengeksploitasi bumi (alam) tanpa terimbangi dengan upaya konservasi sebagai tindakan antisipatif atas kerugian dan degradasi ekologis (alam) yang ditimbulkannya. Krisis global ekologi seperti Efek Rumah Kaca (Greenhouse Effect) yang ber-impact pada Pemanasan Global (Global Warming) dengan disertai sederet problematika ekologis yang menyentuh segala aspek kehidupan manusia pun terjadi, dan memberi dampak urgensi-krusial bagi ekosistem Bumi.[5]  

[1] Wartono Kadri, Pengelolaan Hutan dan Jiwa Kerimbawaan, (Jakarta: LITBANG Departemen Kehutanan, 1988)
[2] Otto Soemarwoto, Ekologi, Lingkungan Hidup, dan Pembangunan, (Bandung: Penerbit Djambatan, 2001), p. 18
[3] Wisnu Arya Wardhana, Dampak Pencemaran Lingkungan, (Yogyakarta: ANDI, 2001), p. 48
[4] Suma Djajadiningrat, Penilaian Secara Cepat Sumber-Sumber Pencemaran Air, Tanah, dan Udara, (Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press, 1989), p. 21
[5] Josua P. Sibarani, Artikel: Selamatkan Lapisan Ozon Mulai Dari Diri Sendiri!, (Kompas, 27 September 2002), www.kompas.com

Teologi Yohanes VS Gnostik

Teologi Yohanes
(VS : Gnostik)

1). Apa itu Gnostik?
            Gnostik adalah suatu faham yang berasal dari kata Yunani “Gnosis” yang artinya “pengetahuan” sangat erat hubungannya dengan faham Neoplatonisme dan merupakan suatu peleburan dari gagasan-gagasan filsafat Yunani Kuno dan agama-agama misteri. Terkandung juga dicampur dengan faham-faham Kristiani.[1]
            Gnostik (Yunani: Gnosis, pengetahuan). Secara tradisional pada ajaran sesat yang aktif bergerak pada abad 2, yang tegas ditolak oleh gereja. Tapi sejak abad 20 ini, istilah gnostik di gunakan juga secara luas terhadap bentuk-bentuk kepercayaan agama manapun, dimana dualisme dan penguasaan pengetahuan adalah penting ; sebab itu agama zeroaster, ajaran Mandae, sastra Hermes, Gulungan Laut Mati dan Perjanjian Baru pun di cap sebagai “Gnosis”.[2]

[1] Scheunemann, Rainer, 2004, Sejarah Filsafat Barat, Papua: STT “I.S. Kijne. Hlm. 60
[2] Douglas, J.D, 2007,  Ensiklopedi Alkitab Masa Kini Jilid II, Jakarta : Yayasan Komunikasi Bina Kasih/ OMF, Hlm. 343

Theological Issues and Christian Education

A Theologian Addresses Current Theological Issues
 Impinging on Christian Education

A systematic theologian offers a theological aggiornamento (bringing-up-to-date) of two critical doctrinal areas that affect Christian Education: (a) the doctrinal of Scripture, with particular attention to recent challenges to the inerrancy of Scripture, and (b) the doctrine of humanity, with particular focus on the latest findings from neurophysiology and current evangelical reworkings of the doctrine of theological anthropology. For each doctrinal area, explored, implications for Christian educators are indicated and discussed.

The Church Must Teach - Or Die !


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Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

Education As Sacrament

Education As Sacrament

Most Christian institutions have a statement regarding integration, affirming allegiance to a “Christian philosophy of education.” However, when the actual practice of education is examined, there tends to be scant evidence that integration is actually informing the process of education. There seems to be a disconected between that which is affirmed and that which is practiced.
In a very helpful book, Donovan Graham (2003) has addressed this question for Christian elementary and secondary school. He argues that a theology of grace and truth must influence the practice of education, and I believe that he is right. He avers that being a Christian involved in educational practice does not necessarily make one a Christian teacher. Morever, he insist that there is a difference between theological affirmations and actual practice, making a very helpful distinction between professed beliefs and controling beliefs (pp. 16-19). It seems evident to me that one’s theological framework as an educator should influence more than content. Theology should also help answer the question of why one should teach. Both of these questions are integral parts of a philosophy of education. A philosophy of aducation for a Christian that is not guided by theology is, by definition, disintegrated.